Wellness Consultant, Coach and Teacher.
Helping People Transform Blockages in Health, Happiness and Life.

About Simon

In his early thirties Simon had a breakthrough that showed him there was so much more to life than he had been experiencing. Deeper connection, real purpose, true happiness and heaps of adventure. Leaving behind his 9-5 role as a director of a financial services consultancy, he decided to make a life not a living.

At the first glimpse of what could be was short-lived, and he reverted to feeling truly lost. He would have to build his personal transformation from the ground up.

Along that journey he’s learnt what works and what doesn’t in uncovering an authentic self. There are key elements that are routinely overlooked by mainstream personal development and spiritual practices. That’s why it’s possible to spend years trying to change without getting to the bottom of what’s really holding you back.

Simon is now an AcuEnergetics practitioner, fusing cutting-edge understanding of the electrical nature of the body with ancient healing wisdom. Think Acu without the puncture and far more effective. A phenomenal shortcut to health and happiness.

Simon runs Meet Up groups to share the power and simplicity of practical knowledge that is available to all of us.

He’s also an accredited coach, applying his understanding of flow, and how to work with resistance, to those looking to transform their lives. His extensive training in diverse personal development fields, coupled with his capacity to synthesise that knowledge into something new means he’s able to offer unique perspectives and solutions that cut to the core of the matter.

Take your next step towards living the life your heart knows is possible. Contact Simon@simonfeely.coachpublic.com.


There are a variety of ways you can work with Simon, including hiring him to deliver a talk or presentation. Get in touch today to discuss any bespoke requirements.


Simon’s extensive range of treatments can help you with pain, injury, emotional health and chronic conditions. For more information, please visit AcuEnergetics.com.


Simon can support your growth and development with transformational coaching. With Simon’s experience, insight and warm support, you will soon be living a healthy and happy life.


Workshops are ideal if you want intimate support from Simon with a like-minded group of people at your side.

Let’s Get To Know Each Other

I’m sure you have plenty of questions about how we can work together. Some frequent questions and answers are below.

  • Tell me more about AcuEnergetics


  • Why does Simon stand out as a coach and teacher?


  • Can I hire Simon to deliver a talk?


Simon in Action

A handpicked collection of Simon’s finest speaking, training and coaching experiences.

“Simon is an inspiring and captivating speaker who gives generously the insights he has developed over a lifetime of learning. I have no hesitation recommending him as a professional speaker at other large events.” RT, United Kingdom.


“Simon is set to lead a generation towards improved health and happiness. He is persuasive, warm-spirited and entertaining.” JD, United Kingdom.

Get in Touch

Submit your contact information and we will respond to your query ASAP. We usually reply within 24 hours if contacted Monday to Friday.